Type: Open international competition.

Location: Murcia. Spain.

Year: 2011.

Program: Public building.

Size: 2.500m2

Reference in the landscape, footprint in the city

The project proposes the definition of a service building in the Gran Vía of La Manga del Mar Menor, a busy avenue that runs from north to south the peninsula, it is therefore a point located on the main axis of La Manga of the Mar Menor, a point of reference, a point of service to the citizen. The recognizable image of the building aims to endow the performance with a representative character. A recognizable element both from the ground, facing the citizen, and from the air, due to the importance of the helisurface in the proposed building. The footprint left by the building in the urban fabric means the importance of the public service it provides to society. In addition to becoming a recognizable element from the outside, it will be a reference for the citizen due to its internal quality and the exemplary functioning of the institutions that will work in it.


Compact and high-rise building

The urban regulations pose a series of limitations that, together with the ambitious program included in the tender specifications, make the plot an element that lacks degrees of freedom. However, after making the problem a virtue, a high-rise building solution is chosen. That is, the offices are distributed in three equal floors, so that the occupation in plant is about 500m2, less than 40% allowed by planning.

The dimensions required by the helisurface, as well as those of the machinery warehouse, reaffirm the decision to raise the planned landing area to the highest plant. Under it there are changing rooms and facilities, as well as other common services. As a cover, like a visor, space is released on the ground floor, occupied by vegetation, and also protects against the sun to offices.



The accesses to a building of this nature must be clearly differentiated. On the one hand the access of service vehicles, differentiates between underground parking and machinery warehouse. In addition, a secondary access for emergencies is proposed. The pedestrian, both citizen and worker, due to the size of the proposal, accesses the building through the raised trees. The proposal located in the trapezoidal plot, is part of a set of services belonging to the City Council. The communication between the fire brigade building near the plot and the new public services building is done through the existing streets, and taking into account the urban layout planned by the planning. The accesses to the plot, are made so that both vehicles and people access the building through the northern front of the plot. On the east side, there is a secondary access that communicates directly with a forklift and stairs that guarantee direct access to all public services to the helisurface.


Free plant, united institutions

After analyzing the list of requirements provided, it can be deduced that the building is set up in a public area, with common services and attention to the citizen, an administration area, and a last one of changing rooms, internal dependencies and warehouses and facilities. Regardless of whether it is the Local Police or Civil Protection, the spaces demanded can be grouped in that way. Taking into account the evolution of the workspaces, a free floor layout is chosen. The structural system provided allows the configuration of the workspaces in a much more flexible way. In this way, a building is achieved that will be able to respond to possible changes in the internal organization of the institutions. If in the early twentieth century, there were notable examples, and in the XXI century large multinationals based their organization on these systems, improved, we understand an obligation to our time to raise this solution, especially because it really works and improves overall productivity.


Constructive system, fast precision

The construction must be effective. Once the main structure, the skeleton, the building is "finished". Enclosure, facilities, finishes, furniture ... Everything is part of a standardized system. The construction based on elements marketed and prepared for a dry assembly. With a wrench, screwdrivers and little else. This is how the building should be mounted, like a car or an airplane. In this way, time at work will be reduced, in turn costs, and therefore the impact on the total process. The final quality of the finishes is superior to that offered by a traditional construction system. Metallic structures, forged by means of concrete slabs, metallic enclosures, continuous pavements, acoustic absorbent metallic panels and seen installations. The materials used, concrete and standardized metal enclosures, will take into account the aggressive environment in which the proposal is inserted. All of them will be treated in such a way that the quality of them will respond effectively to such problems. With these elements a simple but effective service building is considered, values that today acquire a very significant importance in architecture and in society in general.